Bereavement: The Family Stress Test (LIVE)

About the event
The death of a loved one often puts family relationships under enormous pressure. Not only are family members coping with a maelstrom of emotions, they are often physically exhausted and doing their best to honour the wishes of the person who has died. For some family members, there may be complicated feelings about the person who died or judgement about the way they lived their lives. Family bonds may already be ruptured or dysfunctional, something which a bereavement will often highlight and amplify.
Facilitated by Dr Andrew Blades, Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Bristol, our panel will examine the ways in which a bereavement can put pressure on families and chosen families. We will look at the social issues and tensions that can arise after a death, grief hierarchies and the many ways in which families can fracture – as well as come together – during this tender time.
Dr Kate Woodthorpe is based at Bath University and is the co-director of the Centre for Death and Society (CDAS). Dr Woodthorpe’s social science work and research has delved into funeral poverty, professional development for staff in the deathcare industry, and bereavement benefits.
Lottie Randomly is a funeral celebrant, facilitator, educator, activist and mentor whose work focuses on supporting others to navigate adversity, change, endings and transitions including death and grief.
NOTE: This live online event is held in UK TIME (GMT)