Grief Chat: Cancer

About the event
In these informal Grief Chats, we bring together two people who have experienced the same kind of grief. In this Chat, we talk to two people who have lost a loved one to cancer.
Olivia’s mum died in July 2017. In October of the same year, Olivia’s dad was diagnosed with a Stage 4 glyoblastoma brain tumor. He sadly died in 2019. Olivia has now channelled her grief by sharing and writing about her experience on her Instagram page, The Big Grief.
Ann (a.k.a. Instagram’s Grief Kid) has had her whole life entangled with cancer and grief. After losing her mum at 14 to secondary lung cancer, she struggled to find a space to talk about grief as a teenager. Ten years later, her brother passed away from bowel cancer. This time, she discovered much more support, a language to talk about death, and a way she could contribute to the grief community. Ann’s Instagram cartoon series explores different themes of grief. She encourages conversation and helps people feel less alone by exploring some of the less spoken about parts of grief.