Heartbreak 101: Understanding Relationship Grief with Julia Samuel

About the event
“You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it.” Unknown
The grief we experience when a relationship ends is often intense in a profoundly painful way, leaving us questioning: ‘will I ever be loved again?’. And yet, despite its ubiquity, the depth of this pain is often not recognised or understood by our nearest and dearest, or the world around us.
In this special session, Julia Samuel will look at the complexities of grieving the end of a relationship and how your history of loss will impact your experience. We will be covering all the bases including: how the circumstances of your breakup influence your grief; how to end a relationship well (and what to do when you’re denied that); how to create a ritual with your friends to recognise the loss; how to cope when your ex moves on with a new partner and, of course, sex!
Will you be alone for the rest of your life? What will happen to your hopes and dreams? Julia will be answering these and many more of your questions.
If you are going through a break-up, or have been carrying baggage from a relationship that ended long ago, you will find comfort, wisdom and compassion with Julia on September 30th.