Pregnancy, Baby Loss and Grief

About the event
Michelle Obama writes that she felt ‘broken’ after a miscarriage, describing her experience as ‘lonely, painful and demoralising, almost on a cellular level’. Frequently misunderstood and unacknowledged, baby loss is sadly all too common with 25% of pregnancies ending in miscarriage, stillbirth, TFMR or neonatal death. Facilitated by psychotherapist Emily Samuel, the panel will explore the complex emotions experienced after baby loss, offering ideas on how we can support ourselves when grieving and ways to connect to and remember our baby. It will also feature Madhuri Bedi (Sands Bereavement Support and Outreach Coordinator for South Asian Communities), Richard Boyd (Baby Loss Awareness Advocate and Befriender) and Tamarin Norwood (author of the highly acclaimed memoir The Song of the Whole Wide World). The panel (all of whom have experienced baby loss) will explore how to talk to siblings, how writing can help us to process grief, how to negotiate the taboo surrounding baby loss, and the experience of grief for twins or triplets.
The panel will also launch the co-produced booklet Pregnancy, Baby Loss and the Grief Journey. To learn more about the making of the booklet, see: