Madhuri Bedi
Madhuri is a Bereavement Support and Outreach Coordinator for Sands, the national pregnancy and baby loss charity. Madhuri is dedicated to supporting South Asian communities through their grief. With a deep passion for connecting with bereaved families, she ensures they know they are not alone no matter when their loss happened. Madhuri tirelessly raises awareness about the vital role of bereavement support in the healing journey, especially in the context of baby loss. Her work includes creating positive
partnerships and spearheading initiatives tailored to the unique needs of South Asian families. These efforts aim to improve outcomes and provide compassionate support for parents and families navigating their grief. Having personally experienced baby loss and the associated inequalities, Madhuri is a fervent advocate for change. She works diligently to bring these issues to light and push for systemic improvements. Madhuri has played a key role in significant projects such as the Listening Report and the Parent Open Letter to the Government. Through these efforts, she amplifies the voices of bereaved parents and champions the cause of addressing and rectifying inequalities in bereavement support.