Mireille Hayden
Mireille Hayden is a Health Psychologist. She is the founding director of Gentle Dusk, a socially-minded organisation that works with communities and the workforce to lift taboos around death, dying and bereavement and to raise awareness of the importance of end of life care planning.
Mireille has 20 years of experience in the Health Service and has worked on the development of training programmes for Hospice UK, NHS England and a variety of private and NHS organisations.
Originally a commissioning lead in end of life care for North Central London, Mireille now dedicates her time to empowering professionals and communities around death, dying and bereavement. She develops and delivers training programmes, workshops, services and events, helping professionals and the general public gain skills and confidence in initiating difficult conversations as well as the practicalities of planning for end of life care. Mireille brings a unique energy and enthusiasm to this taboo subject, combining knowledge and techniques from psychology, experience of healthcare services, and patient and family support in end-of-life care.
Mireille provides expert input into areas relating to death, dying and bereavement on TV, print and in scientific journals. Her appearances and publications include BBC News Worldwide, BBC ideas, Sky News, Arte, New Scientist Magazine, BBC Radio and local newspapers and magazines.