Have you been bereaved in 2020?

Dr Lucy Selman, founder of the Good Grief Festival, speaks about and invites you to take part in a new study into bereavement in 2020.
“If you’ve been bereaved this year, I am so sorry to hear that. While life-changing and difficult at the best of times, bereavement during the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to have been especially challenging for you – whether or not your family member, partner or friend died of the virus itself.
“Together with Dr Emily Harrop at Cardiff University, I am leading a national study exploring people’s experiences of bereavement during the pandemic in the UK. We are doing this research to give voice to anyone bereaved in the UK (of any cause) since 16 March, so that we can understand what people have been going through and ensure bereavement services can meet their needs.
“We are really keen to represent the diversity of experiences across the UK and in different communities. We know that people from ethnic minority backgrounds have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19, but so far not many men or people from ethnic minority communities have completed the survey. We would love to change that.
“Please help us spread the word among your colleagues, family and friends. If they feel able to, sharing their experiences would really make a difference. If you feel able to share your experiences, please take part and help give voice to the bereaved by visiting the Covid Bereavement website.”
Dr Lucy Selman
COVID-19 events at Good Grief Festival
Find out more about grief and bereavement during COVID-19 at these Good Grief Festival events:
View Programme and book FREE tickets
The full Good Grief Festival 2020 programme is now available to view online or to download as a PDF.
Tickets to all online events are free throughout the festival. Register and book tickets here.