Good Grief – 10 Best Podcasts on Grief

If you’ve loved and lost you’ll find some moving, helpful and very human stories in this selection of podcasts on grief. They feature stories, interviews, darkly comic slants and practical advice.
Comedian Cariad Lloyd’s father died of cancer when she was 15. She went on to become a successful comedian and was bowled over by the unexpected success of Griefcast, which won Podcast of the Year in 2018. Listen in on a series of conversations with Cariad’s fellow comedians and performers as they discuss their experiences of love, loss and bereavement.
The TED Podcast: Elizabeth Gilbert
Many know Elizabeth Gilbert as the author of Eat Pray Love. What many don’t know is that her new partner, Rayya, soon died of cancer. In this intimate podcast, Elizabeth describes how, ”It’s an honour to be in grief…to feel that much, to have loved that much.” The TED host lost his own daughter at 24, adding further layers to this moving, hope-bringing interview.
“Terrible, thanks for asking”
“How are you?” is pretty much the last question most people want to answer when they’re feeling, well, terrible. This podcast touches upon themes from loss and illness to grief. In ‘It Just Happens’ (Ep. 76) come face to face with every parent’s worst nightmare and meet the parents trying to survive following the death of their young daughter in an accident.
Where’s the grief?
Jordon Ferber is a comedian whose 21-year-old brother died in a car accident in 2002. He found ‘dealing with a traumatic loss while simultaneously doing comedy, somewhat surreal.’ Jordon shines his comedy torch onto topics some would rather leave in peace and chairs the chat with other comedians to tease out their unique perspectives on grief.
Grief out Loud
Grief Out Loud seeks to ice-break this conversation stopper of a subject. Grief is tough enough without having to deal with it alone. Listen in for personal stories and advice for grieving children and teens from bereavement experts. The producers – Oregon’s Dougy Center for Grieving Children and Families – know their stuff and leave the clichés at the door.
Good Grief with Cheryl Jones
This podcast isn’t connected to the festival but it has the same focus: the losses that define our lives. Cheryl talks to those who’ve said yes to the experiences that can accompany grief, meeting people who’ve transformed their lives in the process. Seen in the light of loss, some people discover new strengths while others begin to clarify their own life’s goals.
Grief Dreams
Dream expert Dr Joshua Black leads conversations about life, loss and the dreams that arise through grief. It is often entertaining, frequently enlightening and always supportive. Joshua’s varied guests go live to reveal their ‘grief dreams’ – dreams they’ve had of passed loved ones. Listen in to see if your own vivid dreams are similar to others in the same situation.
Grief Works
Death affects us all yet remains a societal taboo. Grief Works is hosted by Julia Samuel, author of ‘Grief Works’ and an experienced grief psychotherapist. Julia says, “The more we talk about this, the better we will be able to support ourselves and our friends and family when it affects us, which it inevitably will.” Tune in for honest and touching conversations.
Julia will be joining us at Good Grief, Bristol on Monday, May 11th to talk about her work.
The Mary Mac Show
Mary is a grief specialist who doesn’t believe that the stages of grief are one-size-fits-all. Grief isn’t a set journey, it is an emotional maelstrom that’s different for everyone who’s ever been held in its grip. If you feel you’ve failed because your stages of grief aren’t textbook, Mary will show you that you’re OK. You’re just doing it your own way.
Coming Back: Conversations on life after loss
There’s loss, grief, echoes and reminders. But what actually happens when you get home from the funeral or dreaded hospital visit? Loss affects everything. It can impact upon who you are and how you live. Join grief guide Shelby to explore the stories and ideas that can help you learn to live again following traumas like death, divorce and illness.
Good Grief, Bristol (May 11th to 17th 2020) is a new festival to help people talk, think and learn about grief.
With dozens of events taking place all over Bristol, Good Grief will bring together speakers, film screenings, exhibitions, workshops, music, spoken word and a Memory Kitchen.