Five Things (people's experiences & what they've learnt)
Can you choose where you want to die?
End of life (practical & emotional support)
Facing death personally (emotions & relationships)
Swan Song Project
Hospice care
Planning your care in advance
Talking & planning for the end of life can support our experience of grief (article)
What matters conversations
MyWishes (technology platform)
End of Life Care Guide (NHS)
Free Living Will
Canine Care Card
"‘My life will be short. So on the days I can, I really live’: 30 dying people explain what really matters"
Article with TED Talk: How to prepare for a good death
Dr Rachel Clarke on our biggest fears when facing our own deaths
How to have life changing conversations about the end of life - Kathryn Mannix & Julia Samuel MBE
Talking about & planning for the end of life in South Asian communities
My journey from doctor to patient - Henry Marsh in conversation with Rachel Clarke
Janie Brown on finding hope at the end of life
Dr Rachel Clarke on finding beauty & meaning at the end of life
Michelle Knox TED Talk: Talk about your death while you're still healthy